UTF-8 output patch for task-1.60/sleuthkit-1.6x

To apply this patch, fls, ffind, fsstat and istat have a new option -8, which enables UTF-8 for their output of NTFS filenames, stream names, volume names and etc.

The original code cares only of ASCII characters and using original uni2ascii() function makes the information of non-ASCII NTFS filenames broken (or replace '?').

These patches are suitable for task-1.60.tar.gz / sleuthkit-1.6x.tar.gz

To discuss, please join sleuthkit-users.

How to apply

You can apply these patches like:

%tar xzvf sleuthkit-1.64.tar.gz
%cd sleuthkit-1.64
%patch -p1 < /some/where/utf8.patch


%tar xzvf task-1.60.tar.gz
%cd task-1.60/src/fstools
%patch -p3 < /some/where/utf8.patch

Copyright (C) 1998-2009 TAKAHASHI, Motonobu
Last update: 2003-08-14 01:39:47 JST